1. Shane by Jack Schaefer. The actual novel is online here at no cost! That's pretty cool.
2. The Silver Chair by C. S. (Clive Staples) Lewis.
3. Farmer Boy by Laura Ingalls Wilder.
4. The Hardy Boys Series created by Stratemeyer.
5. The Rover Boys by Arthur M. Winfield.
6. James and the Giant Peach by Roald Dahl.
7. Hans Brinker or The Silver Skates by Mary Mapes Dodge. Here is a LibriVox recording in case you want to listen to the story.
1. Shane by Jack Schaefer. The actual novel is online here at no cost! That's pretty cool.
2. The Silver Chair by C. S. (Clive Staples) Lewis.
3. Farmer Boy by Laura Ingalls Wilder.
4. The Hardy Boys Series created by Stratemeyer.
5. The Rover Boys by Arthur M. Winfield.
6. James and the Giant Peach by Roald Dahl.
7. Hans Brinker or The Silver Skates by Mary Mapes Dodge. Here is a LibriVox recording in case you want to listen to the story.
10. Books for Boys
1. To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee.
2. 1984 by George Orwell.
3. Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte.
4. The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne.
5. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain.
6. Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy. Here is an audio from LibriVox.
1. To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee.
2. 1984 by George Orwell.
3. Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte.
4. The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne.
5. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain.
6. Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy. Here is an audio from LibriVox.
7. My
Antonia, Willa Cather.
9. War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy. Here is a LibriVox recording of War and Peace.
1. With this great tool.
Read faster with Spreeder.Also try ZapReader.
Read faster with Spreeder.
from Spreeder, "Speed reading is the art of silencing subvocalization. Most readers have an average reading speed of 200 wpm, which is about as fast as they can read a passage out loud. This is no coincidence. It is their inner voice that paces through the text that keeps them from achieving higher reading speeds. They can only read as fast as they can speak because that's the way they were taught to read, through reading systems like Hooked on Phonics."
READING LESSON for new, poor, and damaged readers . . . .
A thorough lesson on the Six Types of Syllables should be taught to new readers, to poor readers, to damaged readers, to anyone wanting to speed up and improve reading and spelling skills.
Barton Reading Program.
LibriVox provides books on tape. Nice way to listen to your favorite works.
1. Haley Memorial Library
2. Rosalind Kress Haley Library also houses Lawrence McDonald's Library. Good to know.
1. Sam Blumenfield
2. Reading Bear
1. Laura Ingalls Wilder's Farmer Boy.
2. Jack Schaefer's Shane, a novel loosely
based on the Johnson County
Range War in Wyoming,
April 1892, is an excellent read for young boys. Here is a brief history of
that range war with a map of Johnson County. It's a story of cattle
barons trying to squash settlers moving in on public land they believed was protected under the federal government's Homestead Act (1862) and the
Desert Land Acts (1877). The cattle barons, too, felt that they could drive cattle on all public lands. The farmers challenged their right to do so, which for a few turned out to be deadly. President Benjamin Harrison, (1833-1901), ordered the US Calvary sent out to settle the dispute, but the "Invaders" as they were called defeated the Calvary and sent them packing.
Otto Franc was suspected
to be an active member of the Wyoming Stock Growers Association, and is believed
to have bankrolled part of the Johnson County War, a conflict between small cattle owners and large
wealthy cattle outfits in 1892.
3. Willa Cather's My Antonia
4. C. S. Lewis' The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. This audio/podcast reading
of LWW is quite good.
5. Mary Mapes Dodge's Hans Brinker or the Silver Skates.
6. Horatio Alger, Jr. The Young Acrobat

Read a Newspaper
Daily Breeze: Torrance, CA
Daily Bulletin: Inland Empire
Daily Bulletin: Inland Empire
Alhambra Source
Alhambra Topix
Around Alhambra
Cal Watch Dog
The China Daily
City of Alhambra Scrapbook
The Epoch Times
Mountain View News (Sierra Madre)
Pasadena Star News
San Gabriel Topix
San Gabriel Valley Business Journal
San Gabriel Valley Tribune
Sierra Madre Tattler
Sing-Tao USA
Alhambra Topix
Around Alhambra
Cal Watch Dog
The China Daily
City of Alhambra Scrapbook
The Epoch Times
Mountain View News (Sierra Madre)
Pasadena Star News
San Gabriel Topix
San Gabriel Valley Business Journal
San Gabriel Valley Tribune
Sierra Madre Tattler
Sing-Tao USA
The Sunday Times (United
AFmedios (Mexico)
Telegraph (Australia)
El Sol de
The Times
of India (India)
Daily News (Egypt):
in English
El (Colombia)
1. More
Guns, Less Crime: Understanding Crime and Gun Control Laws, John R. Lott,
Jr. Follow John R. Lott,
Jr. here. An archive of his articles can be found here.
2. The
Bias Against Guns: Why Almost Everything You've Heard About Gun Control Is
Wrong, John R. Lott, Jr.
4. Gun
Control in the Third Reich: Disarming the Jews and Enemies of the State, Stephen
Hollbrook, 2013.
A Must-See video: InnocentsBetrayed.
1. Emancipating Slaves, Enslaving Free Men: A History of the
American Civil War, Jeffrey Rogers Hummel. Why did the South
secede, and why did the North prevent them? "Union" was sold as
Emancipation Proc. framed as a wartime measure to justify it, and did afford a
large number of blacks as recruits to the Northern army. Slaves grew in
number AFTER the U.S. Constitution. Even without the Constitution, slaves
would have increased in number. reproduced itself through natural
increase, rather than through additional captures. Am. Revolution
sparked the first emancipation feelings, most significantly felt in the
northern states. High rates of manumission in Virginia. By the time
their constitution was adopted, there was a cooling of emancipation--S.
Carolina, Georgia, etc.
South, particularly Virginia, wanted to maintain the value of their
slaves so they could sell them to the South.
got the war started. As a republican he was not committed to the
abolition of slavery, but only to limiting the number of slave states.
1860 in a 4-way race. In the north, Lincoln run against Douglas. In
the south, southern democrats running against the rump whig party. In the
deep south, lincoln didn't win a single state. Why didn't Lincoln didn't
get the votes in the Deep South. Southern slave holders dominated the
state and national governments. Republicans referred to it as the Slave
Power, a powerful special interest. Supreme Court Justices owned
slaves. Presidents owned slaves.
gov't hostile to slavery. Rebuild republican party in slave states, like
Missouri. Lincoln hadn't advocated it, but there were more radical
members in his cabinet. A long-term decline of slavery. Needed
protection of the federal gov't to preserve slavery.
Lincoln calls out troops, that solidified the South. Once he announces
troops to keep states in the unions, slave holders become more unified against
the union.
slavery was an unintended consequence of the civil war. Reason the North
fought the civil war was to keep the union, not to end slavery. The North
suppressed Southern secession was because they wanted to maintain the union and
not to stop slavery. The ending of slavery was an unintended consequence
of the war. Ending slavery was unintended in the beginning.
Why did
the support of the union in the North gain momentum.
were concerned about tariff advantages for the North.
factor was ideological, identifying union with liberty. Lincoln's
phrase "last and best hope of the world." Splitting of US
would be perceived as a failure of democracy for the rest of the world.
Southerners weren't playing by the rules, and Lincoln said that permitting
secession is an argument for anarchy.
secession might have hastened slavery.
gov't was subsidizing slavery. It has to have the power of gov't behind
it. Fugitive Slave Law. Achilles heel of slavery is the
runaway. Diminishes the value of the slave and the slave system.
Threat to the maintenance of the slave system. Slave patrols. Nat'l
gov't, it was the Fugitive Slave Law. If Northerners had been interested
in ending slavery, there were a set of policies that they could have
implemented, like repealing the Fugitive Slave Law. Slaver was economical
moribund? Not true. As long as slavery had gov't support, then . .
. . Slavery provided large economic rewards. Slavery had been
declining in the border states prior to the civil war. 95% of slaves in
Delaware prior to Lincoln had been freed. 50% of the Maryland slaves had
been freed prior to Lincoln.
radical abolitionist was William Lloyd Garrison, advocated immediate
compensated emancipation. Radical wedge of the much broader anti-slavery
movement. Garrison called for Northern secession. Mainstream historians
have a hard time dealing with Garrison's position. Frederick Douglas also
held this position. A moral perfectionism . . . ? Never fully
popular in the North. Northerners wanted anti-slavery AND disunion.
Can't have both. When S. Carolina secedes, Garrison believe that they're
bluffing. Once under way, Garrison and other radical abolitionists saw
the war as a way of bringing an end to slavery. Garrison, part of a small
minority, was almost lynched in Boston by a mob.
The one
prominent abolitionist who remained an anti-war abolitionist was Lysander
Call for
the kidnapping of Governor . . . big debates was whether the
Constitution was pro-slavery or anti-slavery. Garrison took the position
that the Constitution with its Fugitive Slave Law was a
pro-slavery document. John Brown's raid to facilitate a slave
revolt. Spooner had a plan to hold the governor of Virginia hostage in
ransom for John Brown's life.
After the
war, Spooner says that the
indians were less desirable than black slaves because indians could run
away. slaves were major assets. S. Carolina is hiring local indian
tribes where they' selling to west indies to pay for the importation of black
slaves. west indies slaves difficult to run way--islands.
comes from LIncoln quote.
The war
resulted in an expansion of gov't in the north and the south--increased
taxation, conscription, repeal of civil liberties, that make war the health of
the states. After the war, there's the post-war ratchet effect.
Gov't invention. Civil War was the great watershed of gov't
expansion. The long-term trend for gov't power to recede, restrained,
limited, and less intrusive. The civil war reverses this trend. The
long-run trend starts going in the opposite direction.
How much
of this do we blame on lincoln versus the other 3 that ran against him?
Mystical identification of liberty with union. Breckenridge, southern
democrat who went with the confederacy. South isn't going to secede
gov't did not have the authority to prevent secession. Buchannan would
not have been able to prevent the Civil War either.
jobs created to prevent conscription.
Wenzel of EconomicPolicyJournal interviews Jeffrey Rogers Hummel, author of the
book Emancipating
Slaves, Enslaving Free Men: A History of the American Civil War. Wenzel guides a great interview. Looking
forward to reading Hummel's book.
2. A Disease in the Public Mind: A New Understanding of Why We
Fought the Civil War, Thomas Fleming, 2013.
3. "Who Caused the Bloodbath of 1861-1865?" Thomas
Di Lorenzo.
5. The South in American Literature, 1607-1900, Jay
B. Hubbell, 1954.
6. When in the Course of Human Events: Arguing the Case for
Southern Secession, Charles Adams, 2000.
7. Civil War Volumes, 1-3 Box Set, Shelby Foote,
8. The Unvanquished: The Corrected Text, William
Faulkner, 1991.
Horton. These songs show a glorious love for country and the preference
and cherished love for liberty. These songs also give you a great sense
of community, love for its history, and a longing to preserve it.
10. North Against South: The American Illiad,
1848-1877, Ludwell H. Johnson, 2003. Recommended for its critique of
period of Southern history has been covered by more distortions in recent times
than has 1865-1876. Not too long ago, nearly everybody, including
Northerners, regarded this period as a shameful un-American exercise in
military rule and limitless corruption. Now, it is established academic
"truth" that the only thing wrong with Reconstruction was that it was
not ruthless enough. The South should have been subjected to a complete
Marxis, egalitarian revolution." Clyde Wilson.
11. Deconstruction and Reconstruction: Personal Experiences of
the Late War (Southern Classic Series), 1998, Richard Taylor.
12. The
Real Lincoln:
Edgar Allan Poe, the South's greatest 19th century writer, despised New
Englanders, their pretensions, and their baneful influence on American
culture. In his collected essays and criticism, which can be found in
many libraries, take a look at his "Boston and the Bostonians," "Brook Farm," and "The
Literati of New York City." If you want to know what the
people who settled Boston were really like, watch Vincent Price's Puritan Witch
Hunter in the film "The Conqueror Worm," originally titled
"The Witchfinder General," [can be found here] is based on
a Poe story.
14. The Education of Little Tree, Forrest Carter,
there is the saga of the Alabama writer Forrest Carter, friend and supporter of
Governor George Wallace, who wrote the book Gone to Texas upon which Clint
Eastwood's The Outlaw Josey Wales was based. Carter
also wrote The Education of Little Tree, about the
sufferings of an Indian boy at the hands of puritanical authorities. The book
was reprinted by the devotedly multicultural University of New Mexico Press and
became celebrated in Native American studies. Any reader other than an American
intellectual could see right away that the book is really about the persecution
of Southerners by Yankees. Imagine the consternation when Carter's background
was revealed! (The movie version became anti-Southern, of course."
Yankees are the intellectual class.
15. The Burning: Sheridan's Devastation of the Shenandoah,
John L. Heatwole, 1998.
16. War Crimes Against Southern Civilians, Walter
Brian Cisco, 2007.
"The Cause of the Civil War: Historian, Thomas Fleming,
Discovers the Yankee Problem in America," Thomas Di
18. Robert Lewis Dabney was a Southern
Presbyterian minister and biographer of General Stonewall Jackson.
19. The Fate of Liberty: Abraham Lincoln and Civil Liberties, Mark E. Neely, Jr., 1992.
1. Albion's Seed, David Hackett Fischer. Dr.
Gary North says this about Albion's Seed, "Anything that David
Hackett Fischer writes is going to be good. He is one of the premier historians
of America. He asks very intelligent questions, and he researches them
prodigiously. His book, Albion's Seed, is a masterpiece."
Gary North recommends James C. Malin, "Of all professional American
historians, the one who was the great master of local history, state history,
and regional history was James C. Malin. A lot of his books and
articles are online, and I would recommend reading all of them. Rushdoony read
a lot of them, and he is one of the very few modern scholars who quoted Malin
On Florida History, Willam Marina. Marina was a great fan of
James C. Malin. Marina wrote the most widely used college-level textbook on the
history of Florida.
4. Clarence
Carson's Basic History of the United States. This is an excellent review of Carson's book.
The book and Carson sound very interesting.
5. Read
anything by C. Gregg Singer. Begin with his history of the National Council of
Churches, Unholy Alliance. Download it here.
6. An American History, David Saville Muzzey. Here and here are his other books. Dr. North
recommends buying ". . . a two-volume set of David Muzzey's high school
textbook. I like the 1922 edition. Read it. You will get a good overview of the
most important historian in American history, the historian whose textbook
taught maybe 50 million people, including me."
7. Frances
FitzGerald's survey of the history of high school textbooks on American
history, America Revised.
8. College Outline Series? Never heard of
it. It looks like more information than I could ever get to or want.
These 3 PDFs are establishment history books during the latter half of the 20th
century: a. Colonial history, b. U.S.
history to 1865, and c. U.S.
history since 1865.
11. The Churching of America, Roger Stinke
& Rodney Stark.
12. Nation of Nations, Establishment textbook on
American history.
13. Basic History of the United States, 6 Volume Set,
Clarence Carson.
14. The Making of America: The Substance and Meaning of the
Constitution, W. Cleon Skousen.
15. Born Fighting: How the Scots-Irish Shaped America,
Jim Webb.
Feudal Society, Volume 1: The Growth of Ties of Dependence,
Marc Bloch.
Coming Apart: The State of White America, 1960-2010,
Charles Murray.
Back to Our Future: How the 1980s Explain the World We Live
in Now--Our Culture, Our Politics, Our Everything, David Sirota.
The Mirage of Social Justice, F. A. Hayek,
20. Overthrow: America's Century of Regime Change from Hawaii to Iraq, Stephen Kinzer, 2007.
21. Teaching American History, Gary North, June 28, 2013.
1. The Death and Life of Great American Cities, Jane
2. Power Kills: Democracy as a Method of Non-Violence,
R. J. Rummel.
3. Death by Government, R. J. Rummel.
4. Understanding
Conflict and War, R. J. Rummel.
5. The Use of Knowledge in Society, 1945, Friedrich
Hayek (1899-1992).
1. The $100 Startup: Reinvent the WayYou Make a Living, Do What
You Love, and Create a New Future, Chris Guillebeau.
This is a good interview of the author by
Tom Woods.
1. Bourgeois Dignity: Why Economics Can't Explain the
Modern World, Deirdre N.
2. The
Bourgeois Virtues: Ethics for an Age of Commerce, Deirdre N. McCloskey. Following is an interview of
Deirdre N. McCloskey by Dr. Thomas Woods. McCloskey's Bio.
3. The Puritan Gift: Reclaiming the American Dream Among Global
Financial Chaos, Ken Hopper and Will Hopper.
5. The Anti-Capitalist Mentality, Ludwig von Mises.
1965 we see a revival of visible occultism, starting with the
counter-culture destroying "the Old Establishment humanism of the
"can-do" pragmatism which was apotheosized posthumously as
Kennedy's Camelot" says Gary North. This revival of occultism marks
the end of an older rationalist civilization and points to the establishment of
a new one: a conscious Christian civilization which is dominion-oriented.
The only other possible contenders are Communism, which is the power religion
of our era, and which is utterly bureaucratic, parasitic, and destructive, or
New Age humanism, the major escapist religion, which is compromised by
occultism and the theology of occultism. Neither can lead to a new
civilization. The counter-culture of 1965 really does represent a
civilizing break from the previous 300 years of Western Civilization.
Cleon Skousen, The Naked Capitalist.
7. The Wealth of Nations, Adam Smith.
2. The Death of Meaning, Rousas John Rushdoony.
3. The Rise and Growth of the Anglican Schism, Rev.
Fr. Dr. Nicholas Sander.
5. The Death of Christian Culture, John Senior.
6. Productive Christians in an Age of Guilt-Manipulators: A
Biblical Response to Ronald J. Sider by David Chilton.
7. Rich Christians in an Age of Hunger: A Biblical Study by
Ronald J. Sider.
8. Moses and Pharoah, Gary North.
9. Radicalism
as Therapy, Robert Nisbett.
10. The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, Thomas
Kuhn, 1962.
the early years of the Vietnam War, "you could get a deferment from the
draft if you were in graduate school. I took advantage of this, as did many of
my generation. It was a good decision. But this encouraged New Left radicals to
stay on campus. They earned their PhD's. The PhD glut hid in 1969, but new left
activists were well represented in that group of employable professorial
talent. They were able to get into positions, although untenured, in
universities. They used that leverage against the Establishment."
11. David Watson. His books.
12. Rapture Fever, Gary North.
13. The American Vision, Gary DeMar.
David Chilton is a writer of finance.
16. Is The World Running Down? Crisis in the Christian Worldview,
Gary North.
Dr. Gary North on the Bible and Economics.
The Defense of the Faith, Cornelius
Van Til. This work claims that Natural Law, which Catholicism
defends, is a compromise with Greek humanism. Dr. North, who studied
under Van Til at Westminster, explains "I have been studying Western
social theory since 1960. I understand it. I just don't accept its
humanistic underpinnings." He even wrote a book, a few in fact, about Westminster abandoning
the teaching of Van Til.
Sermons on Deuteronomy, John Calvin. Yes,
that John Calvin.
Institutes of the Christian Religion, John Calvin.
Westminster Confessions of Faith, 1648/1648.
Hierarchy and Dominion, Gary North.
Thomas Molnar.
25. Crossed Fingers, Gary North
This plan
is repeatable. It has been used by liberals to take over every mainline
American denomination in the twentieth century, including the Roman Catholic
Church, which succumbed in 1966. No hierarchical denomination is immune. But
because so few Christians are aware of the plan's features, and what its
telltale signs are, defenses against it are weak or nonexistent. Because of
this, it keeps working. So far, only conservative Missouri Synod Lutherans have
self-consciously held it in check. Only the Southern Baptist Convention has
reversed it.
Fingers is
the first book to identify and discuss in detail the five points of liberalism
and the rival theological positions. It is also the first published book that
"follows the money" by tracing the sources of the funding of
theological liberalism in twentieth-century America. One man, more than any
other, was the primary source: John D. Rockefeller, Jr.
Fingers serves
as a handbook for the diagnosis and defeat of the same liberal forces that have
captured American Christianity. How did they do it? With a vision, with a plan,
and with other people's money. Crossed Fingers shows how they
achieved victory in what had been the most theologically conservative large
Protestant denomination on earth. It also shows what the conservative
Presbyterians could have done, and still have not done, to immunize the
26. Sacred Then and Sacred Now: The Return of the Old Latin Mass,
Thomas Woods, 2008.
27. The Church Confronts Modernity: Catholic Intellectuals and
the Progressive Era (Religion and American Culture), Thomas Woods,
28. The Church and the Market: A Catholic Defense of the Free
Economy (Studies in Ethics and Economics), Thomas Woods, 2005.
29. How the Catholic Church Built Western Civilization,
Thomas Woods, 2005.
30. Rollback: Repealing Big Government Before the Coming Fiscal
Collapse, Thomas Woods, 2011.
31. Theonomy: An Informed Response, Dr. Gary North, 1991.
A Reformed Critique, by William S. Barker, reveals a startling decline of
theological scholarship at Calvinism's premier academic seminary. This decline
accompanied a quarter century of institutional drift. The seminary has still
not recovered from the ideological and theological disruptions of the late
1960's. By the time the Vietnam War ended in 1975, Cornelius Van Til had
retired, and the seminary no longer spoke with a unified voice, or spoke much
at all, for that matter.
Theonomy:A Reformed Critique is the seminary's theological self-justification for not having presented a systematic challenge to the humanist order in this generation. It is a defense of pietism's thesis: a forthright rejection of the Bible's judicial relevance in a morally disintegrating secular world. This is why Zondervan was willing to publish it. Biblical law is an offense.
Theonomy: An Informed Response is a mopping-up operation. It completes what Gary North began in Westminster's Confession: the Abandonment of Van Til's Legacy and Greg L. Bahnsen extended in No Other Standard: Theonomy and Its Critics. The authors challenge the Westminster's faculty's assertion that biblical civil law is no longer binding in the New Covenant era, especially its mandated negative civil sanctions against convicted criminals. The authors ask the faculty: What does the Bible require of civil government if a resurrected Old Covenant law-order is not applicable? What is the Bible-sanctioned alternative? In short, "If not God's law, then whose?" Westminster needs to answer.
32. Interesting commentary on committing to meaningless work from a Christian perspective by R. J. Rushdoony. From his Revolt Against Maturity, 1977.
33. The Five Books of Moses, Oswald T. Allis, 2001.
34. The Old Testaments: Its Claims and Its Critics, Oswald T. Allis, 1972.
35. Disobedience and Defeat, Gary North, 2012.
37. By This Standard, Greg L. Bahnsen, 1991.
God's law
is Christianity's tool of dominion. This is where any discussion of God's law
ultimately arrives: the issue of dominion. Ask yourself: Who is
to rule on earth, Christ or Satan? Whose followers have the ethically
acceptable tool of dominion, Christ's or Satan's? What it this tool of
dominion, the biblically revealed law of God, or the law of self-proclaimed
autonomous man? Whose word is sovereign, God's or man's?Millions of Christians, sadly, have not recognized the continuing authority of God's law or its many applications to modern society. They have thereby reaped the whirlwind: cultural and intellectual impotence. They have surrendered this world to the devil. They have implicitly denied the power of the death and resurrection of Christ.
have served as footstools of the enemies of God. But humanism's free ride is
coming to an end. This book serves as an introduction to his woefully neglected
38. Tools of Dominion: The Case Laws of Exodus, Gary North, 1990.
39. That You May Prosper, Ray Sutton, 1992.
For an understanding of the Christian just war theory and retribution and restitution, this term, lex talion, should be understood as thoroughly as possible.
39. That You May Prosper, Ray Sutton, 1992.
There is a good reason for this: in the history of Christianity there has never been
a theologian who has explained to anyone's satisfaction just what the Biblical
covenant is. We have heard about "covenant theology" since Calvin's
day, but can anyone tell us just what Calvin said the covenant is, how it
works, and what common features are found in every Biblical covenant? Can
anyone describe just exactly what the seventeenth-century Puritans had in mind
when they used the word? They couldn't?
Have you read anywhere that the covenant is an inescapable concept, that it is never a question of "covenant vs. no covenant," that it is always a question of whose covenant? Has anyone explained how all societies have imitated the Bible's covenant model, or how Satan has adapted a crude imitation of the Biblical covenant?
Have you read anywhere that the covenant is an inescapable concept, that it is never a question of "covenant vs. no covenant," that it is always a question of whose covenant? Has anyone explained how all societies have imitated the Bible's covenant model, or how Satan has adapted a crude imitation of the Biblical covenant?
Ray Sutton cracked the code of the Bible's covenant structure in late 1985, no
one had gone into print with a clear, Biblically verifiable model of the
covenant - or if anyone did, no trace of his work has survived. Covenant
theologians have never adopted it.
40. Christianity and War and Other Essays Against the Warfare State, Laurence Vance, 2008. Tom Woods reviews this book here.For an understanding of the Christian just war theory and retribution and restitution, this term, lex talion, should be understood as thoroughly as possible.
From Wikipeida,
"Historically, the term was a colloquialism used in the early-to-mid 20th
century by Communists and Socialists in political debates, referring
pejoratively to the Communist ‘party line’, which provided for “correct”
positions on many matters of politics. The term was adopted in the later 20th
century by the New Left, applied with a certain humor to condemn sexist or
racist conduct as ‘not politically correct’. By the early 1990s, the term was
adopted by US conservatives as a pejorative term for all manner of attempts to
promote multiculturalism and identity politics, particularly, attempts to
introduce new terms that sought to leave behind discriminatory baggage
ostensibly attached to older ones, and conversely, to try to make older ones
1. One is a
Crowd: Reflections of an Individualist, Frank Chodorov.
2. Out of
Step: Autobiography of an Individualist, Frank Chodorov.
3. Collectivism on the Campus: The Battle for the Mind in
American Colleges, E. Merrill Root.
4. 40 Alternatives to College, James Altucher.
"Great Books and Great Snippets," The Cult of
Individuality, Robert Nisbet, 1971.
A Letter
to 20 Year Olds From James Altucher:
If you
want to make money you have to learn the following skills. None of these skills
are taught in college.
I’m not
saying college is awful or about money, etc. I’m just saying that the only
skills needed to make money will never be learned in college:
How to sell (both in a presentation and via copy writing).
How to negotiate (which means win-win, not war).
Creativity (take out a pad, write down a list of ideas, every day).
Leadership (give more to others than you expect back for yourself).
Networking (a corollary of leadership).
How to live by themes instead of goals (goals will break your heart).
Reinvention (which will happen repeatedly throughout a life).
Idea sex (get good at coming up with ideas. Then combine them. Master the
The 1% rule (every week try to get better 1% physically, emotionally,
10. “The
google rule” – always send people to the best resource, even if it’s a
competitor. The benefit to you comes back tenfold.
11. Give
constantly to the people in your network. The value of your network increase
linearly if you get to know more people but EXPONENTIALLY if the people you
know get to know and help each other.
12. How
to fail so that a failure turns into a beginning.
Simple tools to increase productivity.
14. How to
master a field. You can’t learn this in school with each “field” being
regimented into equal 50 minute periods. Mastery begins when formal education
ends. Find the topic that sets your heart on fire. Then combust.
Stopping the noise: news, advice books, fees upon fees in almost every area of
life. Create your own noise instead of falling in life with the others.
If you do
all this you will gradually make more and more money and help more and more
people. At least, I’ve seen it happen for me and for others.
I hope
this doesn’t sound arrogant. I’ve messed up too much by not following the above
plagiarize the lives of your parents, your peers, your teachers, your
colleagues, your bosses.
your own life.
Be the
criminal of their rules.
I wish I
were you because if you follow the above, then you will most likely end up
doing what you love and getting massively rich and helping many others.
I didn’t
do that when I was 20. But now, at 46, I’m really grateful I have the chance
every day to wake up and improve 1%.
Cleon Skousen, The Naked Communist.
The Naked
Communist is a 1958 book by an ex FBI agent, conservative United
States author and faith-based political
theorist Cleon Skousen.[1]
2. Beating the Unbeatable Foe: One Man's Victory Over
Communism, Leviathan, and the Last Enemy, Fred Schwarz.
3. Marx's Religion of Revolution: Regeneration Through Chaos,
Gary North.
4. Dedication and Leadership, Douglas Hyde.
else had known: Douglas Hyde. He had been a major figure in Great Britain's
Communist Party in the 1930s and 1940s. He converted to Catholicism in the late
1940s. He wrote a classic account of his years in the Party: Dedication
and Leadership, which Notre Dame University Press published in 1956, the
year that I heard Schwarz's lecture.
In the
mid-1980s, I was given a copy of his limited-printing book, Dedication
and Leadership Techniques (1962). I wanted to publish it. I wrote him
for permission. He said no. Why? Because the Communist Party no longer
resembled the dedicated Party of his youth. He said that the book would give a
false opinion of the Party as of 1985.
I publish
a modified version of it on this site. You should read it -- not for what it
says about Communism today -- or in 1985 -- but in earlier generations.
5. Egalitarian Envy: The Political Foundations of Social
Justice, Gonzalo Fernandez de la Mora.
Gary North explains that "One of the most curious of the suppressed manuscripts that I personally have seen is the four-volume typewritten book by Margaret Patricia McCarran, which she titled "The Fabian Transmission Belt." She was the daughter of Sen. Pat McCarran, who was the chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee and also of the Senate Internal Security Subcommittee in the early 1950's.
Because she had access to all of her father's papers and files, she was able to survey the development of Fabian socialism as no other Americans conservative ever had. She was a serious student. Her Ph.D. dissertation was Fabianism in the Political Life of Britain, 1919-1931 (1954). It is available as a PDF document from the Mises Institute. For anybody who is serious about understanding the Fabian movement, this is the book to begin your detailed study.
Her Ph.D. dissertation was the tip of the iceberg in her research. She went on to document the development of the Fabian movement in the United States as well as Great Britain. She provided the extracts from primary source documents. She offered footnotes.
She wrote "The Fabian Transmission Belt" in four volumes on legal size paper. She had them bound. I don't know how many sets she produced, but I know where one set is. I saw it in 1964, and at one stage I began reading it. My father-in-law. R. J. Rushdoony, had a copy, which she had given to him. He had great respect for her, although he disagreed with her adulation of John F. Kennedy.
It was around 1964 that her superiors in the Catholic Church found out about the manuscript. She was a nun. Her bishop intervened and demanded that she return all copies of the manuscript to him. She had already given a copy to my father-in-law, and the bishop never got his hands on it. He confiscated the ones she had. Where those copies exist, I don't know. Maybe they were burned. But the hierarchy did their best to see that this manuscript never saw the light of day."
Gary North explains that "One of the most curious of the suppressed manuscripts that I personally have seen is the four-volume typewritten book by Margaret Patricia McCarran, which she titled "The Fabian Transmission Belt." She was the daughter of Sen. Pat McCarran, who was the chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee and also of the Senate Internal Security Subcommittee in the early 1950's.
Because she had access to all of her father's papers and files, she was able to survey the development of Fabian socialism as no other Americans conservative ever had. She was a serious student. Her Ph.D. dissertation was Fabianism in the Political Life of Britain, 1919-1931 (1954). It is available as a PDF document from the Mises Institute. For anybody who is serious about understanding the Fabian movement, this is the book to begin your detailed study.
Her Ph.D. dissertation was the tip of the iceberg in her research. She went on to document the development of the Fabian movement in the United States as well as Great Britain. She provided the extracts from primary source documents. She offered footnotes.
She wrote "The Fabian Transmission Belt" in four volumes on legal size paper. She had them bound. I don't know how many sets she produced, but I know where one set is. I saw it in 1964, and at one stage I began reading it. My father-in-law. R. J. Rushdoony, had a copy, which she had given to him. He had great respect for her, although he disagreed with her adulation of John F. Kennedy.
It was around 1964 that her superiors in the Catholic Church found out about the manuscript. She was a nun. Her bishop intervened and demanded that she return all copies of the manuscript to him. She had already given a copy to my father-in-law, and the bishop never got his hands on it. He confiscated the ones she had. Where those copies exist, I don't know. Maybe they were burned. But the hierarchy did their best to see that this manuscript never saw the light of day."
1. The Political Economy
of Liberal Corporatism, Joseph R. Stromberg
2. The Rockefeller File, Gary Allen.
3. The Triumph of Conservatism, Gabriel Kolko.
4. Left & Right:
The Prospect of Liberty, Murray Rothbard.
5. The Ruling Class, Angelo Codevilla.
6. Political Polytheism: The Myth of Pluralism, Gary
Christian Americans have been told that the Constitution teaches the absolute
separation of Church and State. They have been told correctly. But what they
have not been told is precisely where it says this. It does not say
this in the First amendment. The First amendment says only that Congress shall
make no law regarding religion or the free exercise thereof. So, where does the
Constitution prohibit a Christian America? In a section that has been ignored
by scholars for so long that it is virtually never discussed-the key provision
that transformed American into a secular humanist nation. But it took 173 years
to do this: from 1788 until 1961."
Burris explains: "What most Americans mistakenly regard today as the
"Conservative movement" has undergone many convoluted and dramatic
transformations over the past sixty years. Perhaps the most keen observer has
been Murray N. Rothbard, the internationally acclaimed economist and historian.
How this disinformation process began is detailed in three insightful articles,
"Life in the Old Right," "The
Foreign Policy of the OldRight," and "The Transformation of the American Right,"
available online. However, Rothbard's long-awaited book, The Betrayal of the American Right, tells the
full story of how this subversive movement at war with American liberties and
the rule of law, came about. "Conservatism," since the days of Burke
and Robespierre, has stood for the status quo and an apologia for
1. The Secret Constitution and the Need for Constitutional
Change, Professor Arthur S. Miller.
2. John Hancock's Big Toe and the Constitution, Gary
3. The Revolution Was,
Garet Garrett.
4. No Treason: The Constitution of No Authority,
Lysander Spooner.
5. Miracle at Philadelphia: The Story of the Constitutional
Convention, May-September, 1787, Catherine Drinker Bowen.
6. The Politically Incorrect Guide to the Constitution,
Kevin R. C. Gutzman. Claims that the Constitution is a dead letter?
7. Democracy: The God That Failed, Hans
8. Financial Reckoning Day: Surviving the Soft Depression of
the 21st Century, Bill Bonner. Makes a brief case for monarchy
over democracy.
9. The Constitution as Covenant. Adam broke the covenant. Christ re-established
it. This is the central theme of all Calvinism. This is why it is called
covenant theology. It was the theology that underlay all of the American
colonies. Its secularization led to the Constitution. This is well known among
secular historians, and has been for 70 years. The historical literature on
this is immense.
Almost 30
years ago, Professor Arthur S. Miller wrote a book: The Secret
Constitution and the Need for Constitutional Change (Greenwood, 1987).
This book received little attention at the time, and it is very difficult to
locate today. Miller argued that there are essentially two constitutions. One
of them is the one we all know about, the one we are required to study, or at
least used to be required to study, in high school civics classes. It is the
one for show. The other Constitution is the operational Constitution, as
enforced by the courts and by federal bureaucracies. It is a completely
separate Constitution. It favors the ruling class, which is the group described
The first
people to warn about this were the anti-Federalists. They understood it in
1787. Patrick Henry understood it. Sam Adams understood it. Adams was persuaded
to withdraw his criticisms by the promise made by Madison of the first 10
amendments, which we call the Bill of Rights. But the Bill of Rights came under
assault as soon as the Constitution was ratified. Alexander Hamilton began the
great centralization of the federal government. He used the now-familiar dual
tactic of expanding federal debt and creating a central bank owned by private
investors. He got both of these into operation in 1791.
The only
significant 19th-century rollbacks in power took place under Andrew Jackson's
presidency: his veto of the bill that would have extended the charter of the
Second Bank of the United States beyond 1836, and his one-year reduction of the
United States government's debt to zero. That never happened again. The only
other major rollback was the 21st amendment in 1933, which was the repeal of
Prohibition. The broad sweep of American constitutional history has been one
story, namely, the expansion of federal power at the expense of individual
1. 87 Secrets of Outrageous Business Success, Bob
1. Dumbing Down the Courts: How Politics Keeps the Smartest
Judges Off the Bench, John R. Lott, Jr.
2. Acquittal: An Insider Reveals the Stories and Strategies Behind
Today's Most Infamous Verdicts, Richard Gabriel.
1. How Democracies Perish, Jean Franyois Revel.
"An epitaph on modern democracy’s inability to defend itself against
dedicated, relentless Communist totalitarianism says Dr. North.
2. Democracy--The God That Failed: The Economics and Politics
of Monarchy, Democracy, and Natural Order, Hans Hermann-Hoppe.
1. How You Can Profit from the Coming Devaluation,
Harry Browne.
3. Mises Institute.
4. "The Anatomy of a Bank Run," Murray Rothbard.
Economic Calculation in the Socialist Commonwealth, Ludwig von
1. Hormageddon: How Too Much of a Good Thing Leads to Disaster,
Bill Bonner.
2. Austrian School Business Cycle Theory, Murray Rothbard, 2014. Buy this book today! If you want to understand economics in all countries that have a central bank, which is all of them, then you'll need this book to learn how the machinations of the different central banks' inflationary policies produce wild swings in prices and devalue your currency and savings. Apparently, this book is just the first three chapters of Rothbard's "America's Great Depression." As soon as I earn more money on my job, I will buy more of these books.
3. The Ultimate Foundation of Economic Science: An Essay on Method (Liberty Fund Library of the Works of Ludwig von Mises), Ludwig von Mises, 1962.
4. Economic Calculation in the Social Commonwealth, Ludwig von Mises, 1920.
3. The Ultimate Foundation of Economic Science: An Essay on Method (Liberty Fund Library of the Works of Ludwig von Mises), Ludwig von Mises, 1962.
4. Economic Calculation in the Social Commonwealth, Ludwig von Mises, 1920.
1. Collectivism on the Campus: The Battle for the Mind in
American Colleges, E. Merrill Root.
2. The Nearly Free University and the Emerging Economy: The
Revolution in Higher Education (2013), Charles Hugh Smith.
3. John Taylor Gatto articles.
4. A Place Called School, John Goodlad, 2004.
5. Crisis in the Classroom, Charles E. Silberman,
6. Fred
M. Hechinger, conservative educator, staunch supporter of public
schools, points out that kids have been getting kicked out of school since the
turn of the century.
7. John Holt books. Here is Holt's Wikipedia page. Modern childhood was
invented for the modern world.
8. How Children Learn (Classics in Child Development),
John Holt, 2009.
9. Teach Your Own: The John Holt Book of Homeschooling,
John Holt, 2099.
10. Learning All the Time, John Holt, 1990.
11. How Children Fail (Classics in Child Development),
John Holt, 1995.
12. Instead of Education: Ways to Help People Do Things Better,
John Holt, 2003.
13. Escape from Childhood: The Needs and Rights of Children,
John Holt, 2013.
15. Freedom and Beyond, John Holt, 1972.
16. Is Public Education Necessary?, Samuel
L. Blumenfeld, 1985.
17. Separating School & State: How to Liberate America's
Families, Sheldon Richman, 1994.
18. Marshall
Fritz, chairman, founder, and former president of the Alliancefor the
Separation of School and State.
19. The
one important person I have not had the opportunity to chat with is the great John
Taylor Gatto.
Why Johnny Can't Read, Rudolph Flesch,
1. Energy
Trading and Risk Management: A Practical Approach to Hedging, Trading and
Portfolio Diversification, Iris Marie Mack. Here is a brief review of her book by Guarva Sharma.
1. The
Tragedy of the Euro, Philipp Bagus.
1. Ten Thousand Commandments, Harold M. Flemming,
1951. Read more at Competitive Enterprise Institute.
2. What the Anti-Federalists Were For: The Political Thought of
the Opponents of the Constitution, Herbert J. Storing.
3. Conspiracy in Philadelphia, Dr. Gary North, 1989.
4. Costs of Federal Regulations, Dr. Gary North,
1. The Grand Banks Cafe (Inspector Maigret), Georges Simenon, 1938.
1. The American Way of Death, Jessica Mitford, 1963.
1. The Grand Banks Cafe (Inspector Maigret), Georges Simenon, 1938.
1. The American Way of Death, Jessica Mitford, 1963.
1. Get a Job, Build a Real Career, and Defy a Bewildering
Economy, Charles Hugh Smith.
1. The Big Ripoff: How Big Business and Big Government Steal Your Money, Timothy P. Carney.
1. The Anatomy of the State, Murray Rothbard.
2. The Rise and Decline of the State, by Martin van
3. Harry Truman and the Atomic Bomb, Ralph Raico.
4. Death by Government, R.J. Rummel.
5. China's Bloody Century: Genocide and Mass Murder Since 1900, R. J. Rummel,2007.
6. Democide: Nazi Genocide and Mass Murder, R. J. Rummel, 1991. Until you get the book, check out this site.
7. Lethal Politics: Soviet Genocide and Mass Murder Since 1917, R. J. Rummel, 1990.
8. Statistics of Democide: Genocide and Mass Murder Since 1900, Rudolph J. Rummel, 1998.
9. More resources by R. J. Rummel.
tells us:
After the capture of Bram
in 1210, the Albigensian Crusaders, Christians all, took 100 captured soldiers
and gouged out their eyes, cut off their noses and upper lips, and had them led
by a one-eyed man to Cabaret, yet to be attacked. This was done to terrorize
Cabaret into immediate surrender.
And . . .
Even the great emperor who
unified China and gave it his name, Qin (pronounced Chin) Shihuang, buried
alive 346 scholars in order to discourage opposition. Burying people alive
seems to have been a favorite weapon of Chinese rulers and emperors. For
example, when the ruler of Wei kingdom (Zaozao) conquered Xuzhou he buried
alive several dozen thousand civilians.
also quotes Robert Payne:
[Chinese Emperor Chang
Hsein-chung] set about all the merchants[in Chebgtu], then all the women and
all the officials. Finally he ordered his own soldiers to kill each other. He
ordered the feet of the officers' wives to be cut off and made a mound of them,
and at the top of the mound he placed the feet of his favorite concubines.
10. A Great and Noble Scheme: The Tragic Story of the Expulsion of the French Acadians from Their American Homeland, John Mack Faragher, 2006.
1. The Ancient City: A Study on the Religions, Laws, and
Institutions of Greece and Rome, by Denis Fustel.
Worth reading: RJ Rushdoony on Greek Civilization, Chapter 4.
3. A Peace to End All Peace: The Fall of the Ottoman
Empire and the Creation of the Modern Middle East, David Fromkin.
2. Mobile Homes.
1. Charles Burris provides a great list from
which to read, plus Tom Woods interview of Linda Raeder on her new book, John Stuart Mill and the Religion of Humanity. Here is a review of her book.
2. Humanitarianism Contested: Where Angels Fear to Tread
(Routledge Global Institutions), Michael Barnett & Thomas Weiss,
1. Crossing Over: A Mexican Family on the Migrant Trail,
Ruben Martinez.
"A Nation of Children," Doug French.
This is the best thing I've read anywhere on the civil and social destruction
brought on by inflation. Read this:
points out that the elderly “become increasingly irrelevant” in an inflationary
environment. It’s well known that inflation especially punishes those on fixed
incomes. “Mann fills in our sense of the psychological disruptions that
accompany the economic ravages of inflation,” writes Cantor. “More than any
other factor, inflation discredits the authority of the older generation and
turns power over to youth.”
prices soaring, youthful vices look like wisdom; the conservatism and prudence
of the elderly are made to look silly.
In his
epic Democracy: The God That Failed, Hans-Hermann
Hoppe explained that democracy increases societal time preference and with
democratic rule “contrary to conventional wisdom, the decivilizing forces
inherent in any form of government are systematically strengthened.”
"Controlling the Restless Mind," Robert
is much disagreement on who first put forth the thought "never less alone
than when alone," but whoever it was, he stated a beautiful truth.
Over the past forth years, I've only lived alone for eleven months, and it was
the most peaceful time of my life. Because my focus was on silence and
tranquility, the endless chatter within me disappeared and my noise machine
turned itself down so low that I could barely hear it."
2. No Excuses! The Power of Self-Discipline,
Brian Tracy, 2011.
1. What's Wrong With Your Life Insurance, Norman F.
1. Every Spy a Prince: The Complete History of Israel's
Intelligence Community, Dan Raviv & Yossi Melman. Does
ISIS stand for Israeli Secret Intelligence Service? According to author Dan Raviv, it used to.
1. English Law, Frederic William Maitland.
2. Law and Revolution, I: The Formation of Western Legal
Tradition, Harold Berman.
4. The Law of Nations, Emmerich de Vattel, 1758.
1. Make It Stick: The Science of Successful Learning,
Peter C. Brown. Here is a pretty good review on learning
that includes examples from this book.
1. The Ayn Rand Cult, Jeff Walker, 1998.
2. Defending the Undefendable, Walter Block, 1976.
3. Atlas Shrugged, Ayn Rand, 1957.
4. Benjamin R. Tucker.
5. Anarchy, State, and Utopia, Robert Nozick, 1975.
6. Examined Life, Robert Nozick, 1990.
5. Anarchy, State, and Utopia, Robert Nozick, 1975.
6. Examined Life, Robert Nozick, 1990.
is because peaceful agitation and passive resistance are, in Liberty’s hands,
weapons more deadly to tyranny than any others that I uphold them, and it is
because brute force strengthens tyranny that I condemn it.
and authority are companions; peace and liberty are companions.
methods and necessities of war involve arbitrary discipline and dictatorship.
So-called “war measures” are almost always violations of rights.
war for liberty is sure to breed the spirit of authority, with aftereffects
unforeseen and incalculable.
Liberty, July 31, 1886. (Thanks to Warren
Joan Stewart and her Publicity Hound
David McInnis, founder a& CEO of PRWeb
Guerilla Marketing: Easy and Inexpensive Strategies for
Making Big Profits from Your Small Business, by Jay Conrad Levinson.
1. The Making of the Middle Ages, 1961/1967, R. W. Southern. More on R. W. Southern.
2. St. Anselm: A Portrait in a Landscape, 1991, R. W. Southern.
3. Scholastic Humanism and the Unification of Europe: The Heroic Age, R. W. Southern, 2001.
4. St. Anselm and His Biographer, A Study of Monastic Life and Thought, 1059-1130, R. W. Southern, 1963.
5. Western Society and the Church in the Middle Ages (History of the Church), R. W. Southern, 1970.
6. Inventing the Flat Earth: Columbus and Modern Historians, Jeffrey Burton Russell, 1991.
7. Medieval Civilization, Jeffrey Burton Russell, 1968.
8. History of Medieval Christianity, Dissent and Reform in the Early Middle Ages, Jeffrey Burton Russell, 2005.
9. Dissent and Order in the Middle Ages: The Search for Legitimate Authority (Twayne's Studies in Intellectual and Cultural History), Jeffrey Burton Russell, 1992.
10. Exposing Myth About Christianity: A Guide to Answering 145 Viral Lies and Legends, Jeffrey Burton Russell, 2012.
11. A History of Medieval Christianity: Prophecy and Order, Jeffrey Burton Russell, 1968.
1. They Must Go, Rabbi Meir Kahane.
1. National Suicide: Military Aid to the Soviet Union,
Anthony Sutton of the Hoover Institute.
2. The Pentagon Wars, Reformers Challenge the Old Guard,
James Burton.
1. The Battle of Breton Woods: John Maynard Keyens, Harry
Dexter White, and the Making of a New World Order (Council on
Foreign Relations Books: Princeton University), Benn Steil.
2. The Ethics of Money Production, Jorg Guido
1. The Wisdom of Life by Arthur
Schopenhauer. This is the best place to start with this philosopher. An
engaging, thought-provoking, short work. (And it is available on Amazon Kindle
for $.99)
2. The World as Will and Representation, Volume 2.
by Arthur Schopenhauer. This is his principal work. Volume 2, later written, is
more readable than Volume 1, while it covers much of the same material.
3. The Basis of Morality by Arthur
Schopenhauer. It’s compassion, as he convincingly shows here in this
book-length essay.
4. The Philosophy of Schopenhauer by
Bryan Magee (1983). The best and by far the most readable analysis of
Schopenhauer’s philosophy.
5. Broadway Danny Rose (DVD video) by
Woody Allen (1984). This film is worth watching more than once.
6. Parsifal (DVD video) by Richard
Wagner (1882). The 1993 Otto Schenk, Günther Schneider-Siemssen Metropolitan
Opera production; with James Levine, Conductor; Siegfried Jerusalem, as
Parsifal, Kurt Moll, as Gurnemanz; and a fabulous Waltraud Meier as Kundry.
7. A Guide to Parsifal by Richard Aldrich
(1904). Published one year after the Metropolitan Opera premiered the opera in
New York, the first performance of Parsifal outside of
Bayreuth. A wonderful 73-page guide on the origins of Parsifal, the story of
Wagner’s Parsifal, with an index of 33 musical motives. It remains
in print, in paperback.
8. The Sociopath Next Door by Martha Stout
(2005). A fine work on the conscienceless 2% of the population given to actions
steered by the motive of malice.
9. “The Philosophical Basis of the Conflict Between Liberty and
Statism” (2003). This is another article I wrote for on Schopenhauer, explaining his defense of liberty and freedom
and shows how his nemesis Hegel and his Marxist offspring got it all wrong.
10. This
essay comes from Chapter 3 in my book Heart in Hand (1999), “The
Philosophical, Moral, and Medical Importance of Compassion,” (available here).
It is a somewhat altered and shortened version of that chapter. (The entire
book is downloadable on my website.)
1. An Introduction to Neoconservatism, Gary North.
2. Anatomy of NeoConservatism, David Gordon.
3. NeoCon's legacy, Lew Rockwell.
North points out that "Conservatives were determined to spread American
democracy to China, 1946 to 1990. See the history of the so-called
"Committee of One Million," which had a few thousand supporters. The
Korean War Vietnam War was based on this ideology. So was the Vietnam War.
Anti-Communism was a serious deal.
issues were always muted prior to ROE V. WADE. It was all about taxes,
politics, and anti-Communism.
biggest social issue was the Civil Rights movement, 1955-70. Conservatives were
opposed to it. But, outside the South, it was not a major issue."
further . . . ,
There is a difference between society and state. Conservatism recognizes this.
So does libertarianism. Liberalism no longer does.
work emphasizes the Christian society, but he fails to provide anything like
conclusive evidence that the nation was Christian politically after 1788. The
evidence is strongly to the contrary.
Mussolini's statement, "Everything within the state, nothing outside the
state, nothing against the state . . . ."
1. The War State: The Cold War Origins of the
Military-Industrial Complex and the Power Elite, 1945-1963, Michael
1. Nixon's Secrets: The Rise, Fall, and Untold Truth About the
President, Watergate, and the Pardon, Roger Stone.
2. The Man Who Killed Kennedy: The Case Against LBJ,
Roger Stone.
2. Nixon's Secrets: The Rise, Fall, and Untold Truth About the
President, Watergate, and the Pardon, Roger Stone. The
following is a terrific interview and preview of the illuminating details of
the book and Nixon's presidency.
3. The
Brothers: John Foster Dulles, Allen Dulles and Their Secret World War,
Stephen Kinzer.
3. An American Dilemma: The Negor Problem and Modern Democracy
(Black & African-American Studies), Gunnar Myrdal, 1996.
1. Harry Elmer Barnes. Rothbard on Barnes' role in revisionist history,
he says "He was the father and the catalyst for all of World War II
revisionism, as well as personally writing numerous articles, editing and
writing for the revisionist symposium Perpetual
War for Perpetual Peace, and launching the whole struggle
immediately after the war with the first of numerous editions of his
hard-hitting, privately printed brochure, Struggle Against the Historical Blackout.
Fortunately, Harry lived long enough to see the tied begin inexorably to turn
among the historical profession, to see a New Left emerge that is beginning to
call into question not only America's current imperial wars but also World War
II itself: especially in the work of William Appleman Williams and his students
in modern American history. To his friends and colleagues the fact that
Harry lived to see the emergence of his own vindication after so many years is
the only slight consolation for suffering his loss."
William Appleman Williams.
1. How I Raised Myself Up From Failure by Frank
2. How I Multiplied My Income and Happiness in Selling by
Frank Bettger.
3. Never Eat Alone: And Other Secrets to Success, One
Relationship at a Time, Keith Ferrazi.
4. The Secret of Selling Anything, Harry Browne.
5. Aligning Strategy and Sales: The Choices, Systems, and
Behaviors That Drive Effective Selling, Frank
V. Cespedes, 2014. $46!!! Give a listen to a review of his book.
1. The Law of Self-Defense: The Indispensable Guide to the
Armed Citizen, 2nd Edition, Andrew F. Branca.
Arrest-Proof Yourself, Dale Carson.
1. No Contest: The Case Against Competition, Alfie
Kohn, 1992.
1. To Harass Our People: The IRS and Government Abuse of Power, George
Hansen. On his passing on August 14, 2014.
Here is Will Grigg's eulogy on Hansen.
2. How the IRS Seizes Your Dollars and How to Fight Back,
George Hansen.
3. The
Income Tax: The Root of All Evil, Frank Chodorov.
"Taxation Is Robbery," Frank Chodorov.
"The Nature of the State," Chapter 22 from The
Ethics of Liberty, Murray Rothbard.
"Ten Great Economic Myths," Chapter 2 from Making
Economic Sense, Murray Rothbard.
"Binary Intervention: Taxation," from Chapter
4 in Power
and Market, Murray Rothbard.
9. The American Revolution Was a Mistake, Gary
North. Taxation in Colonial America.
Taxation is Slavery, Charles Burris.
International Man, Doug Casey and others.
Peter Schiff's
1. Stratosphere: Integrating Technology, Pedagogy, and Change
Knowledge, Michael Fullan. Here is a review of Fullan's book.
1. Options for the Beginner ad Beyond: Unlock the Opportunities
and Minimize the Risks, W. Olmstead. And
here are some free online training courses on options. Worth a
2. The Stock Market, Credit, and Capital Formation, Fritz Machlup, 2007.
2. The Stock Market, Credit, and Capital Formation, Fritz Machlup, 2007.
1. Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution, Anthony
2. The Wall Street Gang, Richard Ney.
3. The Wall Street Jungle, Richard Ney.
4. Battling Wall Street: The Kennedy Presidency,
Donald Gibson
1. The Sleepwalkers: How Europe Went to War in 1914,
Christopher Clark.
Eric Margolis explains, "The problem is that
too many cooks in Washington are spoiling its Mideast soup. In his magnificent
new book, The Sleepwalkers, Prof. Christopher Clark of
Cambridge describes how World War I was in part ignited by small numbers of
anti-German officials in France, Russia, Serbia and Britain who often
undermined their own government’s moderate policies."
Here is an interesting review of the Huns,
a.k.a. Germans, of WWI.
2. America Goes to War, Charles Callan Tansill.
3. The Illusion of Victory: America in World War I,
Thomas Fleming.
4. Tolkien and the Great War: The Threshold of Middle-earth,
John Garth.
1. Back Door to War: The Roosevelt Foreign Policy, 1933-1941,
Charles Callan Tansill.
2. Great Wars and Great Leaders: A Libertarian Rebuttal,
Ralph Raico.
3. The Decision to Use the Atomic Bomb, Gar
4. Great Mistakes of the War, Hanson W. Baldwin.
Baldwin was the principal writer for The New York Times,
who covered World War II and he wrote this important book immediately after the
war. Dulles recalled that on July 20, 1945, under instructions from
Washington, that he went to the Potsdam Conference and reported there to
Secretary [of War] Stimson on what he had learned from Tokyo--that they desired
to surrender if they could retain the Emperor and their constitution as a basis
for maintaining discipline and order in Japan after the devastating news of
surrender became known to the Japanese people. It is documented by
Alperovitz that Stimson reported this directly to Truman. Alperovitz
further points out in detail the documentary proof that every top presidential
civilian and military adviser, with the exception of James Byrnes, along
with Prime Minister Churchill and his top British military leadership,
urged Truman to revise the unconditional surrender policy so as to allow the
Japanese to surrender and keep their Emperor. All this advice was given
to Truman prior to the Potsdam Proclamation which occurred on July 26, 1945.
This proclamation made a final demand upon Japan to surrender
unconditionally or suffer drastic consequences. [from John Denson's "The Hiroshima Lie."]
Roosevelt and Stalin: The Failed Courtship, by
Robert Nisbet.
7. Defend America First: Anti-War Editorials from the Saturday
Evening Post, 1939-1942, Garet Garrett. A brief review.
8. The New Dealers' War: FDR and the War Within
World War II, Thomas Fleming, 2002.
9. The Origins of the Second World War, A. J. P. Taylor, 1996.
10. My Battle Against Hitler: Faith, Truth, and Defiance in the Shadow of the Third Reich, Dietrich von Hildebrand and John Henry Crosby, 2014. Here is a review of the book and author.
11. Perpetual War for Perpetual Peace, Harry Elmer Barnes, 1953. This is a review of one of the chapters.