Monday, November 3, 2014
Where Middle-Class American Families are Getting Raises
The story is here.  Thanks to Bob Wenzel of EconomicPolicyJournal.

Leonard Reed is a good place to start.  See his essay "Economics for Boys and Girls," 

Elementary child learns the free market

This was interesting, at least this part of the video.  Prior to the Federal Reserve Banking system, Americans were doing so well and accumulating significant amounts of capital that individuals began acting as lending institutions and were competing against the big boys.  Well, the big boys had to stop that.  Enter the Federal Reserve in 1913.  

Congress gets its money for funding by borrowing from the Federal Reserve.  A lot of people think that federal programs are funded by the collection of income taxes.  It actually comes out of inflation.  The Federal Reserve prints money, puts it in circulation, and the costs of goods in certain sectors goes up.  Americans don't realize the theft inherent in inflation and certainly do not connect it to the Federal Reserve.

After a few questions to people on the streets, it is G. Edward Griffin who lays out in clear terms how and where Congress gets its money for spending on public programs.

FEE articles.

Are we our brother's keeper?   

The Marshmallow Experiment tests time preferences.  Why are time preferences important?  They predict how well an individual can delay immediate gratification and how well an individual can commit to longer-term planning.
Gary North observes that "Time-preference is basic to understanding success and failure. In a classic book, The Unheavenly City, Harvard political scientist Edward Banfield re-defined class in terms of time perspective. He called present-oriented people lower class. He called future-oriented people upper class. I regard this insight as crucial in my own work. I have returned to it again and again for over 40 years."  Here is an excellent short list of videos on positive behavior.  Lucky to find these listed.

Friday, September 28, 2012
"What Chinese parents understand is that nothing is fun until you're good at it." 

Friday, September 28, 2012

Friday, September 28, 2012
Though this is not a video, it is a fun geography interactive that tests your knowledge of where the different states in the United States are at.  Here it is.  Have fun with it.

Saturday, July 28, 2012
The "I, Smartphone" above is a modern, 21st century version of the classic essay "I, Pencil," written in 1958 by Leonard Reed, founder of the Foundation for Economic Education.
Saturday, July 21, 2012
A second I, Pencil video. I like the first one better.


Can the private sector provide government services more efficiently and more morally?

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